Accomplished and innovative senior level academic executive administrator and experienced instructor in various sectors.
Reliable, responsible, creative, and vigilant leader who interfaces effectively with executives, administrators, and staff, in order to achieve training and instructional goals.
(Photo credit: Paul Tshihamba, Imago Dei Media)
The Guava Tree
The Guava Tree
The Forest Girl navigates life and discovers how true acceptance is really something with eternal significance.
"Critical Approaches: Education for Change and Transformation within the Church". Didache online journal, Vol.6, No.1, August 2006
"Multicultural Education: Simply Where We Are." Tennessee Educational Leadership, Vol. XXXIII, No.1, Spring 2006
"ESL for University Students: Beyond a Support Group." HEIS News: The Newsletter of the ESL in Higher Education Interest Section of TESOL, 24.1, 2005
"A Discussion of Power as it Relates to a Local Church Context." Didache online journal, Vol.4, No January
2005 "Internet-Based ESL for Distance Adult Students – A Framework for Dynamic Language Learning." Canadian Modern Language Review, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada, Vol. 60, No. 2, December 2003
"Using the Internet as an Instructional Tool: ESL Distance Learning." Tennessee Educational Leadership, Fall 2003, XXX No.2, 2003
"Technology Innovation and Teacher Change in an ESL Program: Providing Adequate Time for Shifts in Methods." Education in Action, Fall 2002
Processed-Based Curriculum Development. Career Education Review, August 2016.
The Repositioning of Student Choice, Career Education Review, November 2017.
Technology and the Future of Online Learning, Campus Technology, March 2017.
The Intrusion Of Social Media in Learning, Campus Technology, March 2018.
Why Integrated Instruction is a Must for Today’s Tech-Enabled Learners. Campus Technology, 2019.
Beyond Point and Click: Real Coding for Students Across the Curriculum. Steam Universe, 2019."Critical Approaches: Education for Change and Transformation within the Church". Didache online journal, Vol.6, No.1, August 2006
"Multicultural Education: Simply Where We Are." Tennessee Educational Leadership, Vol. XXXIII, No.1, Spring 2006
"ESL for University Students: Beyond a Support Group." HEIS News: The Newsletter of the ESL in Higher Education Interest Section of TESOL, 24.1, 2005
"A Discussion of Power as it Relates to a Local Church Context." Didache online journal, Vol.4, No January
2005 "Internet-Based ESL for Distance Adult Students – A Framework for Dynamic Language Learning." Canadian Modern Language Review, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada, Vol. 60, No. 2, December 2003
"Using the Internet as an Instructional Tool: ESL Distance Learning." Tennessee Educational Leadership, Fall 2003, XXX No.2, 2003
"Technology Innovation and Teacher Change in an ESL Program: Providing Adequate Time for Shifts in Methods." Education in Action, Fall 2002
Processed-Based Curriculum Development. Career Education Review, August 2016.
The Repositioning of Student Choice, Career Education Review, November 2017.
Technology and the Future of Online Learning, Campus Technology, March 2017.
The Intrusion Of Social Media in Learning, Campus Technology, March 2018.
Why Integrated Instruction is a Must for Today’s Tech-Enabled Learners. Campus Technology, 2019.
Beyond Point and Click: Real Coding for Students Across the Curriculum. Steam Universe, 2019.
"Technology, Innovation and Teacher Change in an ESL Program." In Carmona, Jose, A (Ed), 2008
Perspectives in Community College ESL, Vol. 3, Faculty Administration and the Working Environments, TESOL Inc., Virginia, USA, 2008
Academic Exchange Quarterly – "Learning Autonomy Using the Internet", 2009
ESL publication on case study with foreign language learners in China, 2010
Pearson Online Journal of Dynamic Teaching, June 2012-2014 (Editor-in-Chief)
Daymar Academics Ideas for Improving Instruction publication, March 2011(Editor)
Career Education Corporation Educator of the Year Award, 2007 – 2010
Career Education Corporation Ideas in Action publication, 2008
Career Education Corporation and Imagine America Foundation, 2008 – 2009
Instructional Practice in Higher Education; an online journal (creator and initial designer)
Also, online articles:
Book Publication:
OISE / UT, Toronto, ON, Canada
OISE / UT, Toronto, ON, Canada
BA Hons
Queens University, Belfast, N. Ireland
OISE / UT: Awarded PhD and Masters at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada.
Title of Doctoral Thesis: "Internet-Based Distance Training for Adult ESL Learners: a Framework for Dynamic Language Learning" with courses in educational access, computer-mediated distance learning, multimedia instructional design, and cultural bias in curricula.
Title of Master Thesis: "Organizational and Structural Change within a Non-Traditional Educational Setting" with courses in English as a Second and / or Foreign Language, computers in education, transformational learning, multicultural and anti-racist education.
Professional Experience
CED is a fully registered non-profit operational in the Fayette and Fulton County, Ohio, area. Educational programs to empower individuals and the community towards change and development.
Developed workplace English (EFL) language, professional training online modules in the US, China, Canada and the Middle East. Developed Faculty Development programs and various academic programs online and on ground in the US and Canada. On site teacher effectiveness, bilingual and distance education training and development for the Bilingual University, DRCongo. Faculty development course writer for college career faculty.
Assistant VP for Program Development and Innovation
OHSchool of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS). Oversaw the review and modifications of existing programs as needed and researching new and innovative programs in collaboration with various campus schools and other experts. Also, scoped out costs and new and innovative instructional designs and deliveries or existing and new programs.
Director of Curriculum and Instructional Design
Princeton, NJEvaluated and developed academic programs at all colleges owned by AHED. 50+ programs rewritten/redesigned resulting in growth in student enrollment and increased program offerings. Worked with academic deans and faculty to evaluate and develop measuring tools and methods to maintain program marketability and student success in employment preparation.
Full program redesign in numerous vocations and trades; worked with and coordinated content development specialists, instructional design projects, and faculty training and development. Supervised positions of Corporate Librarian and Instructional Design Specialist.
Executive Director of Academics Programs and Faculty and Dean of General Education
Owensboro, KYIncluded the review and supervision of 22 school campuses, learning sites, and online program curriculum development and faculty training and development. Managed 12 program managers and Corporate Librarian.
Attention to instructional technology, teaching improvement and professional growth; development of online faculty portal of resources, discussion, and information exchange for on ground and online faculty and programs. Program review and redesign for General Education based on learning outcomes and measuring rubrics.
Dean of Faculty Services
Schaumburg, ILFrom the ground up, established a comprehensive and broadly scoped faculty development program that serviced approximately 6,000 faculty (adjunct and FT). This involved regular training webinars for administrators and faculty, vendor management, synchronous and asynchronous instructional design, resourcing faculty members, and interfacing with HR. In addition to this, carried out additional duties based on generating and presenting research, enforcing compliance, training, and lecturing.
Higher Education Positions
Adjunct Faculty
Nashville, TNTaught graduate and undergraduate education courses in ELL theory and methodology, intercultural teaching methods, instructional and educational technology and educational leadership.
Adjunct Faculty
Nashville, TNTaught two classes in the New Teachers’ Program; Literacy I and II
Online Adjunct
Bourbonnais, ILTaught graduate-level courses in faculty improvement and student learning diversity.
Associate Professor of Education
Nashville, TNInstructed graduate and undergraduate students in all educational programs; and this involved delivering hybrid/blended undergraduate computer and graduate education courses. Also designed ESL curriculum for teacher education specialization track and sat on graduate (masters and doctorate) committees charged with guiding instructional design and technology theses.
ESL Instructor and Tutor
Oakville, ONImplemented tutorial and content-based ESL programs under the supervision of an ESL coordinator.
ESL Instructor and Tutor
Markham, ONDesigned and taught community-based ESL programs servicing the needs of immigrants re-locating to Canada.
International Consultant Projects
Provided research-based instructional and implementation strategies regarding the S4D Learning Lab, which is operated by The German Sport University of Cologne (GSU) and funded by the German International Development Agency (GIZ). This involved reviewing pedagogical and operational practices and providing recommendations to ensure a user-focused approach.
The Foundation is a partnership among business, industry, civic, educational, and individual interests committed to furthering support and understanding of the conditions and needs of the citizens of DRC in the areas of education, healthcare, and entrepreneurship. To these ends the Foundation promotes positive educational, health and financial outcomes for all students, children, women, and families of the Democratic Republic of Congo by engaging and mobilizing the community to support fundraising for innovative educational, health, and financial programs, initiatives, and activities, with a focus on local sustainability.